How To Get The Sacred Blade Ash Of War In Elden Ring
In Elden Ring, Sacred Blade is an Ash of War best wielded by Holy and Faith builds. This one comes…

How To Get Manor Towershield In Elden Ring
The Manor Towershield is one of the best Greatshields in Elden Ring that protects you from unwanted damage. This shield…

How To Get Clinging Bone In Elden Ring
Clinging Bone is a severe yet funny addition to your build in Elden Ring that lets you pierce through the…

How To Get Golem’s Halberd In Elden Ring
The Golem’s Halberd in Elden Ring is a deadly melee weapon that scales with strength and dexterity. Being a Colossal…
Diablo 3 Best Wizard Builds For Inferno, Nightmare and Hell
Before Blizzard kicked in the massive nerf to the Wizard and Barbarian, the two classes easily outplayed all the others…

Sony Will Be “Very Aggressive” With PS5 Launch, Says Take-Two CEO
Sony Interactive Entertainment will be using its dominating current-generation position in certain regional markets to aggressively push PlayStation 5 this…
Here’s A Tour Of The Middle-earth: Shadow of War Regions, Five In All
Players that were annoyed with how there were only two small regions to run around in with Monolith’s Middle-earth: Shadow…

There Will Be No Forza Motorsport 8 in 2019, Turn 10 to Improve FM7 Instead
Turn 10 Studios has now confirmed that there will be no Forza Motorsport 8 in 2019. Instead, the team is…

Remnant 2 Bane Boss Guide
Bane is not a story boss but rather a carefully hidden optional boss that you need to defeat to unlock…

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Is Skipping Multiplayer For Good
Ubisoft has yet again decided to concentrate on the single-player campaign mode and leave the multiplayer mode out from Assassin’s…
Fortnite Youtube Views Were 5 Billion For April Alone, While PUBG Had 553 Million Views
Fortnite, speaking honestly, is pretty much an internet sensation, other than the fact that it is also, one of the…

The Division 2 Warlords of New York PC Performance Guide
The revisit to New York is more beautiful than you last remember it. Things might get a bit hefty for…

Sony Promise Unannounced Playstation 4 Games Coming in 2016
Sony Worldwide Playstation executive Shuhei Yoshida has been talking to Famitsu. While the interview may be in Japanese, we’ve still…

Pokemon Sun and Moon Eevee Guide – Where to Find, Get All 8 Evolutions
Pokemon Sun and Moon Eevee Guide to help you find the massively-popular Pokemon and evolve it into its 8 different…
Team Ninja Wants New Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball Game
What we have mostly heard about the DOA series recently has been in connection with Dead or Alive 5 Last…

How To Track Diablo 4 Helltide Events
Diablo 4 is filled to the brim with exciting end-game content after you complete its campaign. One such thing is…

State Of Decay 3 Engine Is Apparently Unreal Engine 5
Undead Labs, the developers of the State of Decay series, have put up a job listing for a sound engineer….

Resident Evil 4 Island Treasure Locations
The Island is the third and the last part of Resident Evil 4 which encompasses Chapters 13 to 16. Not…

Diablo Immortal Error: Battle.net Account Merge Due To Different Regions
A majority of Diablo Immortal players have been finding it impossible to transfer their accounts to a different region, a…

Nioh Screenshots and Artwork Revealed
One game revealed at Sony’s Tokyo Game Show press conference that caused some surprise was Nioh. A Playstation 4 exclusive…

Horizon Zero Dawn Fish Bone And Skin Farming Guide
Similar to multiple other games that share a bit of DNA with it such as Far Cry 4 and Rise…

Diablo Immortal Leveling Guide
It is important to recognize the specific quests or activities (or routes) that you can pursue to level up quickly…

FIFA 18 Ultimate Team Top 10 Cheap Players – High Potential Players, Overpowered Cheap Players to Buy
Ultimate Team is all about finding bargains stranded across the market. There are often some players that are going around…

XCOM 2 Research Guide – Best Research Paths, Weapons Armor, Psionics, Soldier Enhancements
Research in XCOM 2 is similar to how it was in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Most veterans of the series will…

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Trial Captains Guide – Where to Find, Trial Pokemon, Pokemon Types, How to Defeat
In this Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Trial Captains Guide, we will guide on Trial Captains in Pokemon Ultra Sun…