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Your baby's movements
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Hospital bag checklist
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16 symptômes à ne jamais ignorer pendant la grossesse
Les moyens naturels pour déclencher le travail
Symptômes à ne pas négliger après la naissance
Les selles de votre bébé : ce qui est normal et ce qui ne l’est pas
Rougeurs et problèmes de peau en images
La respiration de votre bébé la nuit : ce qui est normal et ce qui ne l’est pas
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Instaurer de bonnes habitudes de sommeil de 3 à 9 mois
Quelle quantité de lait mon bébé devrait-il boire ?
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Getting pregnant
Actively trying for a baby
Before you begin trying
Am I pregnant?
Trouble conceiving?
Here's how to know if you're ready for another baby
By Katie MacGuire
How long will it take to get pregnant?
By Katie MacGuire
When is the best time to get pregnant?
Reviewed by Babatunde Gbolade, Consultant gynaecologist and fertility control specialist
Sexual positions for baby-making
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
A complete guide to ovulation
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
What age gap is best between babies?
Reviewed by Joseph Aquilina, Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist
Choosing your baby’s sex: what the scientists say
Reviewed by Dr. Suzanne Wong MD, FRCSC, DABOG, RDMS, MCFP, Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
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What cervical mucus looks like: photos
By Jenny Leach
How to get your body ready for a baby
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How to get your life ready for a baby
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Is it okay to use a hot tub while trying to get my partner pregnant?
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I'm underweight and have low body fat. Will this affect my ability to get pregnant?
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How much folic acid should I be taking?
Reviewed by Heather Harvey, RD, Registered Dietitian
Diet for a healthy mom-to-be
Reviewed by Heather Harvey, RD, Registered Dietitian
Diet for a healthy dad-to-be
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Everything you need to know about home pregnancy tests
By Katie MacGuire
Quiz: Am I pregnant?
Top 10 signs of pregnancy
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Pregnancy signs at two weeks
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
How soon can I test to see whether I'm pregnant?
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
How do home pregnancy tests work: video
My home pregnancy test showed a faint line. Am I pregnant?
Reviewed by Babatunde Gbolade, Consultant gynaecologist and fertility control specialist
Here's how your age affects your fertility
Reviewed by Babatunde Gbolade, Consultant gynaecologist and fertility control specialist
A guide to fertility drugs for women
Reviewed by Dr. Suzanne Wong MD, FRCSC, DABOG, RDMS, MCFP, Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cost of fertility treatments in Canada
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Fertility drug clomiphene citrate (clomiphene, clomid)
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How can I offset the side effects of fertility drugs?
Reviewed by Dr. Suzanne Wong MD, FRCSC, DABOG, RDMS, MCFP, Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Fertility treatment: in vitro fertilization (IVF)
Reviewed by Dr. Suzanne Wong MD, FRCSC, DABOG, RDMS, MCFP, Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Donor insemination
Reviewed by Dr. Suzanne Wong MD, FRCSC, DABOG, RDMS, MCFP, Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Can having a yeast infection affect my fertility?
Reviewed by Morag Martindale, GP and family planning doctor
What are the signs of a fertility problem?
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How can we put the joy back into our sex life?
By Chess Thomas
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Sleep and dreams
Early pregnancy
Fitness and exercise in pregnancy
Prenatal health
Your emotional health in pregnancy
Labour and birth
Nutrition and weight gain
Work and pregnancy
Baby's movements
Can't get comfortable (pregnancy sleep)
Reviewed by Ashley Jagga, RM, Registered Midwife
The basics of good pregnancy sleep
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Vivid pregnancy dreams
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Your strange pregnancy dreams explained
Reviewed by Krista Roesler, RP, MA, Pyschotherapist and Life Coach
Dreams during the first trimester
Reviewed by Krista Roesler, RP, MA, Pyschotherapist and Life Coach
Heartburn and indigestion (pregnancy sleep)
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Sleep in the third trimester
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Safe ways to get more sleep in pregnancy
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
How to sleep like a baby when you're expecting one: video
Totally normal: pregnancy edition
Top 10 signs of pregnancy: video
What is a placenta and what does it do? (Video)
When does morning sickness start?
Reviewed by Clare Herbert, Senior midwife and team leader
Yoga and stretches
By Holly Bennett
Why pelvic floor exercises are important during pregnancy
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Do you know what's a safe workout during pregnancy?
Tips for a safe pregnancy workout
By Katie MacGuire
The benefits of staying active during pregnancy
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Protecting your back and pelvis during pregnancy
Reviewed by Hanna Dabbour, Senior physiotherapist
Pilates in pregnancy
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When NOT to exercise while pregnant
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Pregnancy exercise guide
Reviewed by Hanna Dabbour, Senior physiotherapist
Your complete guide to routine blood tests in pregnancy
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Pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore
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Why you feel dizzy in pregnancy and what to do about it
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How to tell if your contractions are Braxton Hicks or real labour
Reviewed by Ashley Jagga, RM, Registered Midwife
Decoding your dating scan
Reviewed by Ashley Jagga, RM, Registered Midwife
Anatomy scan (mid-pregnancy ultrasound)
Reviewed by Ashley Jagga, RM, Registered Midwife
Skin changes during pregnancy
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Morning sickness: why it happens
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Pregnancy blues
Reviewed by Dr. Suzanne Wong MD, FRCSC, DABOG, RDMS, MCFP, Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Pregnancy mood swings
By Katie MacGuire
47 reasons to be glad you're pregnant
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A complete guide to creating your birth plan
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The stages of childbirth and how long it lasts
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
What to pack in your hospital bag
By Jenny Leach
Getting your baby into position for birth
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Breathing techniques for labour
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Natural ways to bring on labour: a guide
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
How do I know when I am in labour?
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Natural pain relief in labour
Reviewed by Clare Herbert, Senior midwife and team leader
Labour and birth: Inside pregnancy (video)
What you need to know about eating tuna during pregnancy
Reviewed by Elena Usdenski, RD, MScFN, Registered dietitian
How much water should I drink in pregnancy?
Reviewed by Ashley Jagga, RM, Registered Midwife
Pregnancy menu plan: First trimester, plan one
By Alicia McAuley
Diet for a healthy pregnancy
Reviewed by Elena Usdenski, RD, MScFN, Registered dietitian
Is it safe to drink coffee during pregnancy?
Reviewed by Elena Usdenski, RD, MScFN, Registered dietitian
Pregnancy menu plan: First trimester, vegetarian plan
Reviewed by Elena Usdenski, RD, MScFN, Registered dietitian
Weight gain in pregnancy basics
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Healthy foods for your second trimester: photos
By The BabyCenter Editorial Team
What isn't safe to eat during pregnancy?
Reviewed by Heather Harvey, RD, Registered Dietitian
Is it safe to use cleaning products during pregnancy?
Reviewed by Daphne Metland, Medical writer and editor
What you need to know about parental leave and EI in Canada
By Katie MacGuire
Making the most of your sick benefits during pregnancy
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Your pregnancy rights in Canada
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Telling your employer you're pregnant
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Maternity leave: essential information for planning your leave
By Lynda Cranston
Pregnant at work
By Katie MacGuire
A cross-Canada guide to unpaid pregnancy, adoption and parental leave
By Lynda Cranston
Can I still get maternity leave if I have taken sick leave?
By Marie Kreft
Is it normal for babies to hiccup in the womb?
By The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Your baby's movements in pregnancy
Reviewed by Ashley Jagga, RM, Registered Midwife
How often should I feel my baby move?
Reviewed by Ashley Jagga, RM, Registered Midwife
Should I count my baby's kicks? (Video)
How often should I feel my baby move by mid-pregnancy?
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
When will I be able to feel my baby move?
Reviewed by Clare Herbert, Senior midwife and team leader
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Your baby's sleep
Baby health
Games and play for babies
First foods
Caring for your baby
Baby development
The 7 best positions for breastfeeding
Reviewed by Christine Griffin, Breastfeeding specialist
How can I tell if my baby's finished their breastfeed?
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Breastfeeding for beginners
Reviewed by Andrea Lennox, RM, Registered midwife
Are edibles and cannabis oil safe while I’m breastfeeding?
By Karen Robock
How often should I breastfeed my baby?
Reviewed by Emma Dufficy, Midwife
How to breastfeed: pictures
Reviewed by Christine Griffin, Breastfeeding specialist
10 tips for breastfeeding success: video
Signs your baby is getting enough milk
By Katie MacGuire
How do I know if my baby latched on correctly?
Reviewed by Christine Griffin, Breastfeeding specialist
Establishing good sleep habits: newborn to 3 months
Reviewed by The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Six sleep mistakes parents make and how to avoid them
By Karen Robock
Bedtime routines for babies
By Karen Robock
How can I get my baby to sleep through the night?
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Establishing good sleep habits: 3 to 6 months
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
What are the pros and cons of swaddling?
Reviewed by Daphne Metland, Medical writer and editor
Understanding your baby's sleep
Reviewed by Harriet Gibbs, Health visitor
The pros and cons of sharing a bed with your baby
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
How do I cope with a baby that cries all the time?
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
By Lynda Cranston
Colic in babies
By Lynda Cranston
7 reasons your baby might cry and how to soothe them
Reviewed by Harriet Gibbs, Health visitor
5 tips for soothing a colicky baby: video
10 dad-tested ways to soothe a crying baby
By Joanne Lewsley
6 ways to soothe your baby when they're unsettled
By Ashley Morton
11 must have toys for your newborn
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Structured play vs. unstructured play for babies: what's better?
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
Simple games to play with your baby that you'll both love
By Charlotte McClure
A guide to swimming with your baby
By Lynda Cranston
Tummy time - why and how to do it: video
When can I take my baby swimming?
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Toys for three- to six-month-olds
By Martine Gallie
Toys for six- to nine-month-olds
By Martine Gallie
Toys for nine- to 12-month-olds
By Martine Gallie
Helping your child to talk
Reviewed by BabyCenter Canada Medical Advisory Board, Medical Experts
Signs your baby is ready for solids
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How to introduce first foods to your baby
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
How to feed your six-month-old baby
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
How to introduce solid food to your baby
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
What are finger foods?
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How much breast milk does a baby need after starting solids?
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Baby food revolution: new rules for feeding your baby
By Katie MacGuire
How to prepare baby food safely
Reviewed by Heather Harvey, RD, Registered Dietitian
How to make your own baby food
By Ann Elisabeth Samson
How much milk does my six-month-old baby need?
Reviewed by Sarah Schenker, Dietitian
The best stroller snacks for your baby
By Ann Elisabeth Samson
Is it true that fat babies are healthy babies?
Reviewed by Harriet Gibbs, Health visitor
How much solid food should I feed my baby?
Reviewed by Heather Harvey, RD, Registered Dietitian
When is it safe to feed my baby...?
Reviewed by Heather Harvey, RD, Registered Dietitian
How can I get my baby interested in solid food?
Reviewed by Sarah Schenker, Dietitian
Are organic fruits and vegetables better for my baby?
Reviewed by Sarah Schenker, Dietitian
How to feed your nine- to twelve-month-old baby
By Polly Logan-Banks
How to feed your seven- to nine-month-old baby
By Polly Logan-Banks
At what age did you start your baby on solid food?
How and when to change your newborn's diaper
Reviewed by The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Diaper changing tips: be prepared
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
How to change a diaper: video
Diaper changing accessories
By Ann Elisabeth Samson
Buying a swim diaper
By Ann Elisabeth Samson
Is it normal for my baby to poo after every feed?
Reviewed by Gemma Caton, Specialist health visitor
I've heard that disposable diapers may cause infertility in boys. Is this true?
Reviewed by Chess Thomas, Research Editor
Here's why tummy time is so important for your baby
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
How and when will your baby learn to crawl?
Reviewed by Gemma Caton, Specialist health visitor
Developmental milestones: separation and independence
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
Developmental milestones: Socialization
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
A complete guide to teething
By Lynda Cranston
Eight ways to help your child grow up happy
By Lynda Cranston
Average child weight and size by age
By Alicia McAuley
Baby milestone chart: one to six months
By Alicia McAuley
Signs that your baby is having a growth spurt: photos
By Karen Robock
Baby milestones: seven to 12 months
By Lynda Cranston
What does my baby find funny?
Reviewed by Angharad Rudkin, Clinical psychologist
How much will my baby grow in the first year?
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
How often should I get my baby weighed and measured?
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
How long do baby growth spurts last?
By Ann Elisabeth Samson
Tracking your baby's growth
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
How can I encourage my baby's sense of humour?
Reviewed by Angharad Rudkin, Clinical psychologist
Do growth charts matter?
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Understanding your baby’s growth
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Do growth spurts really exist, or are they just a myth?
By Jenny Leach
Growth charts: Understanding the results
By The BabyCentre UK Editorial Team
Seven signs your baby loves you
By Ann Elisabeth Samson
When should I buy my baby their first pair of shoes?
By The BabyCenter Editorial Team
What your baby needs to thrive
Reviewed by The BabyCenter Editorial Team
My 7-week-old doesn't smile yet. What's wrong?
By Katie MacGuire
What's the difference between fine motor and gross motor skills?
Reviewed by Dorothy Einon, Early years play and child development psychologist
Can I predict my baby's temperament?
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
Developmental milestones: Head control
By Joanne Lewsley
Developmental milestones: Walking
Reviewed by Gemma Caton, Specialist health visitor
Developmental milestones: Rolling over
Reviewed by Gemma Caton, Specialist health visitor
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Games and play for toddlers
Toddler development
Caring for your toddler
Behaviour and habits
Toddler health
Toddler nutrition
Toddlers and television
By Katie MacGuire
Toys for 12 to 18 months
By Katie MacGuire
Toys for 18 to 24 months
By Katie MacGuire
Toys for 24 to 30 months
By Katie MacGuire
Games to play with your one year old
By Katie MacGuire
Games to play with your two year old
By Katie MacGuire
The importance of reading to your bilingual child
By Katie MacGuire
Developmental milestones: Talking
By Katie MacGuire
Toddler milestone chart: 31 to 36 months
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Milestone chart: 25 to 30 months
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Toddler milestone chart: 13 to 18 months
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
Toddler milestone charts
By Karen Robock
Milestone chart: 19 to 24 months
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
My 18-month-old doesn't talk yet. What should I do?
Reviewed by Dr. Kellie Scott, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Family physician
My toddler doesn't seem to be developing at the same rate as everyone else's. Should I worry?
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
Helping your toddler to talk
Reviewed by Gemma Caton, Specialist health visitor
Why does my toddler love repetition?
By Katie MacGuire
When, and how, can I teach my toddler to read?
By Katie MacGuire
Helping your child to love reading
By Katie MacGuire
How to wash your toddler's hair
Reviewed by The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Developmental milestones: self-care
Reviewed by The BabyCenter Editorial Team
What you need to know about air bags and car seats
By Ann Elisabeth Samson
Childproofing checklist: Toddlers and beyond
By Polly Logan-Banks
How to put sunscreen on your toddler: video
Parents’ tips: changing your toddler’s diaper
By Katie MacGuire
My toddler hates baths: what should I do?
Reviewed by Dorothy Einon, Early years play and child development psychologist
Caring for your child's feet
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
What can I do to make toddler haircuts less traumatic?
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
Toddler aggression: how to deal with hitting and biting
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
Helping your toddler to be independent
Reviewed by Dorothy Einon, Early years play and child development psychologist
Helping your toddler to be confident
Reviewed by Krista Roesler, RP, MA, Pyschotherapist and Life Coach
My toddler won't go in their car seat. Should I force them in?
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
Toddler milestones: separation and independence
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
11 strategies to stop a toddler from running away in public
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
Helping your toddler to be sociable
Reviewed by Dorothy Einon, Early years play and child development psychologist
How can I stop my toddler kicking and biting?
Reviewed by Angharad Rudkin, Clinical psychologist
Encouraging your toddler's imagination
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
Alternatives to "no" (age 2)
By Katie MacGuire
Aggression: why it happens and what to do about it (age 2)
By Katie MacGuire
Your anxious child (age 2)
By Katie MacGuire
My tricks to tame toddler tantrums
By Nisha Sawhney
Molluscum contagiosum (water warts) in children ages one to five
Reviewed by Claudia Carmaciu, GP and medical adviser
Roseola in toddlers
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Bruises on toddlers
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Cold sores in toddlers
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Head lice in toddlers
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Hives in toddlers
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Insect bites in toddlers
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Impetigo in toddlers
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Scarlet fever
Reviewed by Morag Martindale, GP and family planning doctor
From common choking hazards to sodium content, here are the foods you'll want your toddler to avoid
By Katie MacGuire
How to feed your toddler
By Polly Logan-Banks
15 meal ideas for toddlers: photos
By Charlotte McClure
Seven superfoods to boost any kid's diet
By Katie MacGuire
Solids by age: 18 to 24 months
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Solids by age: 24 to 36 months
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Your toddler's nutrition
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
How to cope with toddler feeding problems
By Katie MacGuire
I think my toddler is underweight - what should I do?
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Should I give my toddler vitamins?
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
Solids by age: 12 to 18 months
Reviewed by Dr. Linsey Mutch, Paediatrician
See all
Let's play!
I'm going to the beach and... (memory game)
By Katie MacGuire
Teaching your preschooler respect
Reviewed by Krista Roesler, RP, MA, Pyschotherapist and Life Coach
Five ways to get your kids active
By The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Swearing and potty talk: how to nip them in the bud
By Katie MacGuire
How to teach empathy to your toddler
By Katie MacGuire
Alternatives to saying "no" (ages 3 to 4)
By Katie MacGuire
Aggression in children: why it happens and how to handle it
By Katie MacGuire
How to avoid spoiling your child
Reviewed by Krista Roesler, RP, MA, Pyschotherapist and Life Coach
How to teach your child to share (ages 3 to 4)
By Katie MacGuire
When can I start teaching my child manners?
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
Keeping discipline consistent
By Katie MacGuire
How should I respond when my child lies?
Reviewed by Richard Gilham, Child psychologist
How to talk to your child about strangers
By Katie MacGuire
How to talk to your child about race
By Katie MacGuire
Defiance: why it happens and what to do about it (ages 3 to 4)
By Katie MacGuire
Nail biting: why it happens and what to do about it (ages 3 to 4)
By Katie MacGuire
Tattle tales: how to nip it in the bud
By Katie MacGuire
Whining (ages 3 to 4)
By Katie MacGuire
How to talk to your child about disabilities
By Katie MacGuire
How to talk to your preschooler about death
By Katie MacGuire
See all
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Baby girl names that start with R
Baby girl names that start with S
Baby girl names that start with T
Baby girl names that start with U
Baby girl names that start with V
Baby girl names that start with W
Baby girl names that start with X
Baby girl names that start with Y
Baby girl names that start with Z
Baby boy names that start with A
Baby boy names that start with B
Baby boy names that start with C
Baby boy names that start with D
Baby boy names that start with E
Baby boy names that start with F
Baby boy names that start with G
Baby boy names that start with H
Baby boy names that start with I
Baby boy names that start with J
Baby boy names that start with K
Baby boy names that start with L
Baby boy names that start with M
Baby boy names that start with N
Baby boy names that start with O
Baby boy names that start with P
Baby boy names that start with Q
Baby boy names that start with R
Baby boy names that start with S
Baby boy names that start with T
Baby boy names that start with U
Baby boy names that start with V
Baby boy names that start with W
Baby boy names that start with X
Baby boy names that start with Y
Baby boy names that start with Z
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