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Music Info & Discovery

Genius - Genius provides song lyrics and annotations, allowing users to dive deep into song meanings and background. Discogs - Discogs is a music database and marketplace, ideal for collectors looking to discover, buy, and sell music. Shazam - Shazam identifies music playing around you, providing song titles, artists, and additional information in seconds. RA - Resident Advisor (RA) is a leading platform for electronic music, providing news, reviews, and event listings. It's a go-to source for electronic music enthusiasts, connecting them with artists, events, and music releases. MusicBrainz - MusicBrainz is an open-source music database, offering detailed information on artists, releases, and tracks. SongFacts - SongFacts provides trivia, meanings, and stories behind popular songs. Users can search for and discover interesting facts and backstories behind their favorite tracks. Album of the Year - Album of the Year aggregates album reviews, providing an overview of the most critically acclaimed music releases. Arts & Crafts - Arts & Crafts is a music-focused media and artist services company, known for its innovative artists and diverse catalog.