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Environment & Sustainability

Treehugger - Treehugger is a sustainability and design blog, offering advice on green living, eco-friendly products, and environmental news. Grist - Grist is a beacon in environmental journalism, offering stories on climate, sustainability, and social justice, aiming to inspire green solutions. Mongabay - Mongabay offers global environmental news, analysis, and opinion. They aim to inspire and inform conservation and environmental efforts globally. EcoWatch - EcoWatch is an environmental news site, covering topics from climate change to biodiversity, advocating for a sustainable and green future. CarbonBrief - CarbonBrief provides in-depth analysis and fact-based reporting on climate science, climate policy, and energy transitions globally. GreenBiz - GreenBiz provides news and insights on business sustainability trends and best practices, helping companies integrate environmental responsibility into their operations. One Green Planet - One Green Planet is a platform dedicated to ecological sustainability, cruelty-free food, and animal welfare. It offers recipes, news, and lifestyle tips. Renewable Energy World - Renewable Energy World provides the latest news and information related to renewable energy sources, technology, and trends. Mother Earth News - Mother Earth News is a hub for sustainable living advice, covering organic gardening, renewable energy, and natural health. Elephant Journal - Elephant Journal covers mindful living, offering articles on wellness, sustainability, spirituality, and more, aiming to bring about positive change. Inside Climate News - Inside Climate News is an award-winning, non-profit news organization that covers clean energy, carbon energy, nuclear energy, and environmental science. GreenTechMedia - GreenTechMedia delivers renewable energy news and analysis. The site focuses on green technology, clean energy, and the future of electricity. Earth911 - Earth911 is a hub for information on how to live a lower-waste lifestyle. It offers tips on recycling, reducing waste, and making sustainable choices. Watts up with that? - Watts up with that? is a blog that discusses climate change skepticism, offering critiques of climate science data and research. The Ecologist - The Ecologist offers environment and ecology news, opinion pieces, and reviews, focusing on solutions for a greener future. Climate Home News - Climate Home News covers the political, economic, and scientific aspects of climate change, providing timely updates on global climate negotiations and policies. Environment+Energy Leader - Environment+Energy Leader is a trusted source for daily news, best practices, and research about sustainable business and environmental policy. Yale Climate Connections - Yale Climate Connections provides daily broadcasts and articles that humanize the issue of climate change, showcasing how it impacts everyday lives.